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COP 26 November 2021 climate change conference United Nations




Unfortunately, in 2021 COP26 was FLOP26, except for coal getting a mention, but the nasty black stuff is still favoured by Narendra Modi, Scott Morrison, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, to produce cheap electricity. The planet is up Schitt's Creek without a paddle, but unlike the situation comedy, it is no joke.


Then in COP 27 "Loss and damage" made it onto the agenda with an agreement on a fund as a major milestone. The difficult part, setting it up and filling with cash.

1.5C - Some countries tried to renege on the 1.5C goal, and to abolish the ratchet and failed.

Gas - The final text of COP27 contained a provision to boost “low-emissions energy”. Many countries at COP27, particularly those from Africa with large reserves to exploit, came to Sharm el-Sheikh hoping to strike lucrative gas deals.


What then for COP28 in Dubai? In July 2023, Dr. Al Jaber, COP28 President Designate, reiterated his commitment to a Climate Cooling Pledge, saying "We cannot expand cooling on a business-as-usual basis. Without strong policy action, emissions from the sector will rise between 7 to 10 percent from today. To solve this dilemma, we need a rapid transition to energy-efficient and climate-friendly cooling." The world continued to warm, and now we are looking at COP29 in Azerbaijan, in 2024. In the UK housebuilding has gone crazy - especially in Sussex, as with one eye on their pensions and golden handshakes, Councils are grabbing for CIL payments and higher banded property taxes, but nothing genuinely sustainable. All fingers crossed, for COP not FLOP.









It is not 5 minutes to midnight as policy makers would have you believe, it is already 5 minutes past midnight, meaning that even if we stop developments dead - right now - the human race will not be able to avoid the consequences of extreme temperatures. So perhaps invest in asbestos, or other fireproof housing.


Global warming + corruption in government combined, with irresponsible politicians and corporations know they are killing thousands of species, creating deserts and poisoning the oceans, in the anthropocene age where man is ecocidally dumping on his doorstep.






Pink boat Oxford Circus London protests Extinction Rebellion April 2019  SkolStrejk for Klimatet Greta Thunberg conservation activist



LONDON PROTESTS - Extinction Rebellion climate change protestors in Bristol and London make their mark for 3 days in April 2019. The British Government refuses to meet for talks, instead police use draconian terrorist laws to thwart peaceful protests. In 2021, protestors up the ante with sit ins on the M25.


SKOLSTREJK - Greta Thunberg was a girl of action, gone to ground, but we hope will make a come back at COP 26. She is an activist who believes in action and she speaks her mind about climate change - thank heavens - for the rest of us who are led like sheep by politicians who have lost the plot. Greta is like a guiding light and a beacon of hope for planet earth and all life on our precious blue planet. You can read her UN COP24 speech here.





    Emma Thmpson joins the march against climate change in September 2014



The actor Emma Thompson (Nanny McPhee) speaks out: “Every single person on this Earth has the power to change the world. And when we all come together, our power becomes irresistible. Now we must use our power to tackle the biggest threat humanity has ever faced.” She is reported to have told the Guardian: “Unless we’re carbon-free by 2030 the world is buggered.” Well said Emma, and we could not agree more, and love Nanny McPhee.



We need a real life Katniss Everdeen in politics today.



In the UK and around the world we are suffering a cost of living crisis - power and fuel shortages in a world where there is enough wind and solar energy to give us sustainable electricity many times over, for our homes and transport. But politicians will not budge, so ingrained are they with coal and oil. They are comfortable warming the world, and will be so until it bursts into flames. Voters are finally making an impact, with a fairly apparent mood of change.







Brigitte Goudz  Oksana Grishina  Gladys Portugues  Andrea Shaw



Brigitte Goudz - Oksana Grishina - Gladys Portugues - Andrea Shaw



Brooke Holladay  Heidi Vourela  Denise Masino



Brooke Holladay - Heidi Vourela - Denise Masino



ACTION GIRLS - More than ever, today, success in our modern world depends on looking the part. But what is looking the part? Being strong does not necessarily mean being physically powerful, it includes determination to build on your achievements and using your acquired knowledge and skills to make a difference. Feeling fitter and stronger gives you more confidence to face the world. Get out there and intimidate the men who are idea impotent. Let's do something for our children - for it is they who will suffer the consequences of inaction.






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This website is dedicated to Kismet Girls all over the world. © Kismet Girls Trust 2023



The inspiration for this website was originally the Kismet Girls, a group of three sensational singers: Charley Desborough, Mandy Giltjes, and Lera Ghanie - together they produced terrific harmonies and individually they were lead vocal quality. This website is all about talented ladies creating and performing in the Arts: Theatre, Music, Dance, Painting, Literature, Politics and Sport. A Kismet Girl is a woman with exceptional talent in her own field. This can be any human endeavor such as acting, writing, painting, athletics, or social development.