Miss Ocean Pink is a
self proclaimed "Sewing Rag Queen" who simply loves to daydream within the realms of her own favourite passions, sewing and
up - and we love her for that.
The styles and fashions of her creations differ from time to time, depending upon inspirational at the time that soaks her mind and captures her imaginations. The
same can be said for any creative person of course.
Her creations are usually compiled using recycled fabrics, such as old bed sheets or duvet covers, curtains, tablecloths and rescued unwanted items of clothing that friends or family want to bin/trash, the odd piece of elastic here there, along with as much embellishments she can lay her pretty little hands on.
As a teenager she used to sew all the time, not being happy with the style of hand me down clothing, that at the time was considered “old fashioned” she would spend many a long evening eagerly ripping seems apart to gently rearrange, reshape and sew the pieces together again, making a whole cool wardrobe of newly looking garments.
She often smiles warmly to herself when memories come flooding back reminding her of the nights she spent cutting triangles from her Dear sweet
mother's table cloths to insert into the lower outside drainpipe trouser seams, to make very “hip n happening” bell bottoms
flairs. Or to sew pillow cases into pencil skirts. High waist bands was all the
rage at the time, so all tops, skirts along with trousers, had to have a wider band added.
Her mothers friends would always find the time to pass on admiring complimentary comments to her, on how her mother was always buying her the latest fashionable trends. This was another moment in the life of Miss Ocean Pink that she would
inwardly smile to herself, by being congratulated on her creative achievements.
Over the years Miss Ocean Pink has sewn the odd bespoke garment here and there including male and female
wedding attire, garments for growing families, small theatre group costumes and taught sewing arts & craft in local community
centres. But it is in these last past four years when a ambitious change of personal circumstances gave way to Miss Ocean Pink’s natural creative flare and artistic benevolence, allowing her to become more than ever, braver and adventurous towards a deeper and richer sewing existence.
Not being one to allow a small thing such as word blindness (dyslexia) to stand in her way, she
uses her blog as a focal central space, recording now and again her sewing ventures, thoughts and fancies.

of Miss Ocean Pink's favorite Singer sewing machines. We have one in a
cabinet that beautifully encloses a cast iron treadle frame, transforming
the workhorse into a piece of furniture. We'd love to feature one of Miss
Pink's creative dress projects, perhaps to give inspiration to those
entering the Miss Ocean competition, where extra points are awarded for
recycling materials and materials made from recovered plastics.
Ocean Pink enjoys the journey as much as the final destination, she simply loves all the time spent on her sewing processes. Sewing for her is not just about the finished garment,
it's about all the pleasure gained during sewing time, such as, design and fabric choices, construction along with closing methods, what sewing machine will she be using and why?
you visit her website you will see that she has a lot to choose from, and it is with regards to some of her sewing machines that over the years Miss Ocean Pink has managed to retain a sound colourful peaceful mind, a richness of self worth and being,
that helps her to retain a youthful glowing complexion.
Miss Ocean Pink is quite excited at the thought of sharing some of her beloved eco sewing treasures here in her Sewing Ambience, in particular her hand crank
machines, vintage and retro models that she uses to create her little fabric gems from time to time. Not all of them started their mechanical life as hand crank manual machines, some have been
craftily adapted from being electric driven to people power stitchers, by non other than Miss Ocean Pink herself.
sewing machines - Youtube
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OCEAN PINK - Sea slugs are populating waters off the northern coast of California as warmer ocean temperatures extend the range of the creatures far beyond their natural habitat.
These animals are rarely seen in the environment where they are now being found, leaving some investigators to question the effect warming temperatures could be exerting on wildlife.
Monterey Bay, located south of San Jose and San Francisco, is now being populated by the hot pink, inch-long sea slugs. These creatures are commonly found in waters near Los Angeles and San Diego.
The Hopkins' Rose nudibranch sea slug may be beautiful, but their effect on the environment could be harmful to local ecosystems. Researchers investigating the unusual growths have recorded dozens of sea slugs in each square yard of coastal regions.
"We haven't seen anything like it in years. These nudibranchs are mainly southern species, and they have been all but absent for more than a decade," John Pearse of the University of California, Santa Cruz, said.
El Niño seasons in 1983 and 1998 resulted in population blooms of the slugs similar to the one seen this season. However, the weather system is not present this year.
A similar occurrence was seen in 1977, during a season featuring a weak El Niño season.
"I remembered 1977 and decided to sample my old study sites on either side of Monterey Bay. Both also had exceptionally abundant Okenia, plus other southern nudibranchs not typically present, including at one site the stunning purple and orange Spanish Shawl," Jeff Goddard from the California Academy of Sciences and the Marine Science Institute stated in a university press release.